
#Current Facebook Profile Picture 

As you all know, 23122010 was the day PMR result release. All the form 3 students need to go to school to take their result. On that morning, my mood was good and i totally do not feel nervous. I even don't know why. That day was my dad fetch me go to school and fetch me home too. My mum was busy working and she can't take leave.

I was alone at the lower. Cause PeiQian was not reach school yet. Just feel some nervous that time. I get it. It was good for me already, although i still wish i could get straight A ! I get 5As in PMR, my lady also same with me.  ShuTing, you already try your best. And this is already a fact that can not be changed so do not be too concerned about that.

A smile i give myself as a reward. Thanks dad and mom for sponser me money when i want to buy a new phone. Thanks a lots. I You all.

25122010, Christmas Day
As usual, this day will go penang to visited my grandmother. When we reach there, all elderly was having their lunch in the hall. Grandmother was getting older and older. She even can't recognize us anymore. Jesus, you must bless my grandmother. I her more than to express in words. After a while, grandmother was tired, when she fall asleep we leave too. We went to Queensbay after that. When we reach there, i quickly went to McD to buy a McFlurry. We do not stay long in cause dad is not feeling well. We go to my grandfather house after back from penang. Dad was just keep sleeping there cause he was too tired. Me and my mom was keep talking with grandfather.

# Take 1

# Take 2

# Take 3

I damn love this picture. This picture is without edit. Still got more picture in my phone. But i lazy to post all up in this post. Tomorrow i gonna cut my hair already. I am very willing my hair.

# Take 1

# Take 2

# Take 3

My hair is so long now. Especially my fringe, i almost can tied it up already. Tomorrow night i will go penang with my friend. For what? I also don't know, i just know that we are going to watch a drama. Stay tuned for my next post :) 


This Christmas - JYP Nation


1. 我喜歡太陽 可是我很怕黑 所以每次出門都不會涂防曬 卻接受不了自己變黑 怎麼辦

2. 我很喜歡去pasar 可是我卻很討厭魚腥味 所以每次去pasar我不會走去魚攤 以後只會買菜不會買魚

3. 我討厭昆蟲 像是壁虎 蟑螂 看到它們 我就會躲在一角 因為亂喊亂叫會被罵

4. 我不會遊泳 卻超喜歡去海邊 去Lost World 去海邊是去走沙灘 去Lost World玩 不要把我對進水裡 我會在水裡亂掙扎 起來過後 就會亂罵人

5. 我是嚴重路癡 所以每次帶我出門我都不知到自己在哪裡 只要一換路線我就會迷路 即使不換我也不懂自己在哪裡 ==

6. 我心情不好 就會自言自語 暗地裡罵人 不會亂砸東西 可是喜歡砸自己的房門

7. 我很粗魯 一笑就笑大大聲 聲音也很夸 我又很懶惰用手捂住嘴巴 不要怪我 因為我不是淑女

8. 我很喜歡發呆 聽別人講話的時候 超容易陷入發呆狀況 所以別人說什麼我都不知道 slap我 因為不尊重發言人

9. 我很怕鬼 也不敢看鬼戲 可是我不相信世界上有鬼 你帶我去看鬼戲 我打死都不會去 還會亂罵人

10. 我很喜歡小孩子 但很討厭他們亂亂來 不聽話 亂髮脾氣 長大後又想過要小孩 又怕他們亂來 怎麼辦 ==

11. 我討厭打電話 一是懶惰 二是很貴 三是電話聽筒有問題 所以不要叫我打電話 我最討厭

12. 我超喜歡韓國和日本 很希望自己在這兩個國家出生 很想去那邊旅遊 所以現在努力學韓語和日語

13. 我是個問題小孩 不管什麽事 閒事 八卦的事 我都一定會問 問不到就一直問 問到有答案為止 不要怪我 誰叫我是問題小孩 好奇寶寶

14. 我天天都說要減肥 天天說要運動 天天都失敗 因為我很懶惰 而卻家人天天都酸我做不到 結果真的做不到 因為我三分鐘熱度

15. 我很善忘 也喜歡把東西亂放 所以不要叫我找東西 因為我根本不知道在哪裡 而卻找不到就會亂髮脾氣

16. 我喜歡中性化打扮 也喜歡女性化打扮 所以每次出門前都很煩 我可以花很長的時間想到底要穿什麽 甚至在出門前一天就開始想了 可是不要時常叫我穿裙 我討厭 加上我不會裝淑女

17. 我很懶惰 可以懶惰沖凉懶惰吃飯懶惰走路懶惰睡覺 可是絕對不會懶惰出門

18. 我討厭可愛這兩個字 卻喜歡用可愛去形容別人 不要用可愛來形容我 自己覺得好像很不適合用在我身上 覺得噁心 可是還蠻喜歡聽別人講的

19. 我很遲鈍也很喜歡放空 所以很容易被人欺負 也很容易讓別人以為我不理他 ==

20. 我超哈韓風 FTIsland是我的最愛 電話裏面他們的歌最多 照片也很多 我的電話鈴聲也是他們的歌 背景圖也是他們的照片 電腦背景圖也是

21. 我很挑食 不喜歡的絕對不會吃 喜歡的卻吃很多 帶我出去吃東西 是超麻煩的

22. 我很情緒化 開心可以很開心 生氣可以很生氣 跟我在一起 對方一定會受罪

23. 我沒有藝術天分 也沒有音樂天分 可是我卻想玩音樂 搞藝術

24. 我也不知道被谁感染我最近很想學打鼓 ==

25. 我睡覺時喜歡翻來翻去 也不喜歡蓋被單 蓋了被單過不久就踢掉 除非我很冷

26. 我在家喜歡亂喊亂叫 所以喉嚨很容易就沙啞 喉嚨一沙啞 就可以沙一個月 *形象毀了

27. 我喜歡想東想西 尤其是想些古怪的東西 所以我的性格才會四次元

28. 我很怕冷 在車里就好像在冰箱里一樣 手腳冷到變態 可是不吹空調 我又嫌太熱 ==

29. 我很喜歡吃marshmallow 可是像軟糖之類 軟軟的東西 我就是討厭 沒有任何理由

30. 我的東西好像很容易壞 因為我不會照顧 尤其是我的電話 經常弄掉 怎麼辦

31. 我很容易生病 一病就病很久 我也不會照顧自己 經常把自己搞到受傷 因為我很粗魯 還蠻需要別人的照顧的

32. 我討厭整理房間 房間長期亂到不能見人 有時看不順眼 也懶得去整理 ==

33. 我喜歡每年的5月14日 一是我的生日 二是五月情人節 每年都跟家人過 因為我沒有男朋友 可憐

34. 我在感情方面很脆弱 不要耍我的感情 搞到我變成個愛哭鬼

35. 我很固執 不管什麽事都很固執

36. 我其實是個膽小鬼 所以一個人在家的時候 有一點點怪聲 就會很怕

37. 我喜歡從別人背後嚇對方 可是卻很怕別人用同樣方式嚇我 ==

38. 看帥哥是我的至愛 看美女是我的最愛 所以搞到我很容易移情別戀

39. 我很討厭科學 喜歡數學 所以才會選Account這一科 可是有時覺得數學很難 ==

40. 我超喜歡我的爸爸和媽媽 最喜歡粘著爸爸 最喜歡跟媽媽聊心事 不懂到時長大了 還是一直粘著爸爸 不粘自己的男友或老公

41. 我不喜歡改變 可是希望別人為我改變 可是我卻可能會為心愛的人改變 雖然現在沒人愛

42. 其實我的壞習慣多到恐怖 真正認識我的人 一定覺得我很變態 因為我的情緒就像海 可以完全沒有漣漪 也可以是大風大浪
不小心打了一篇在说明自己 原来我有那么多特点 想想写了出来 才惊觉到自己实在是够力
明天就要拿成绩了 祝我拿到好成绩啦 ♥


23 December 2010. What a meaningful day is it? It's a big day for all form 3 student cause we all need to go to school to take our result. Just tomorrow, some are not scare of it ; some are scare until they can't sleep for few days. Gost, what's so scary? I not mean that i even don't scare of it, but can it be so scare until can't sleep at all, can't sleep for 1/2 days is ok for few days? I'm so fat now, just hope that i didn't fat until can't wear my school uniform. Actually today i supposed to be work now, but i just not in the mood. Why? I also don't know. Scare of tomorrow ; NO! Just a bit. 24 December is christmas eve. What the plan on that day? No plan for that day still need to work cause my mom and dad is working too. But at night maybe will have some plan although we have to go to church for the christmas eve mass. After the mass finish, it's almost 12 a.m already. Auto City for walk after the mass, maybe but just scare that will serious traffic jam. 25 December is Chritmas. I already have a good plan for that day. Will go penang for whole day with my parents. We are going to visit my grandmother in the morning. Noon, my mom is going to find a place that near bayan lepas cause she is going to have a test (be an ejen) on 8 January 2011. After that it's my time. Queensbay or Penang Times Square, which more good? Any suggestion? 26 December, i'm going to chop my hair. My fringe now is so long until i can tied it up. Such a good plan for this few days. Just hope that my PMR result will not ruined my mood.

My Wishlist :
1. A Laptop. Hohoho~~
2. A new phone (C6-01). Mine is gonna spoile.
3. A christmas present from anyone.
4. Thinking. Thinking. and Thinking.

Happy X'mas earth.
Good Luck for all form 3 students.


Current Facebook account profile picture.

Hellow readers. I'm here to have some to SHARE. I just realise that single is more good than being in couple state. I was just so freely without entanglement of someone, althought couple's life was my vision. I'm here to talk about 6 men in my life. FT ISLAND. Maybe someone will don't know whose are they. For me, I just want to share. FT Island is a korean band i love the most. I know this band through watching a korean drama '原来是美男啊'. When i know them, they have debut 3 years already. Firstly. i just know about the vocal of FT Island, Lee Honggi. He's so handsome, cool and cute. I love his voice the most cause his voice was too awesome. As time goes by, i have been listening to their songs until i became their fan. I love their songs so much cause their music style was so free. Apart from korea, they also development in japan. Just to share and know about them more to you all.

 Lee Honggi

Lee Honggi ; the vocal of FT Island. He was a child star since 2002. Damn love his voice, it was too awesome. He was the most popular in FT Island. If someone don't really know about them, you all will think that he sure is the leader of FT Island. Unfortunately the leader was not him. He severity suffering prince disease. ><

 Choi Jong Hoon

Choi Jong Hoon ; the leader, guitar and keyboard of FT Island. He was the most handsome in FT Island. OMG! I'm just lack of word right now. How i want to talk about him? Sometimes will think that he is so hard to introduce. Isn't he too perfect?

Lee Jae Jin

Lee Jae Jin ; the bass and second vocal of FT Island. Just one word can say about him, that is cute. I love his smile the most. Today is his big day. I'm here to say happy birthday to him. Hope that his dream will be come true. His voice is good too. I damn love one song that sing by him ; love letter. I also change my phone ringtone to this song

 Choi Min Hwan
Choi Min Hwan ; the drummer of FT Island. He was the youngest and the most cutest in FT Island. He has a very charming smile. OMG! I was again lack of word. ><
Song Seung Hyun
Song Seung Hyun ; the guitar, second vocal and rap of FT Island. He also the youngest in FT Island. He was the new member since 2009 cause Oh Won Bin quit the band due to his personal reasons.  He was a guy who has four dimension and also a guy who least the concept. He was the tallest in FT. I love to listen to him when he was rapping, damn good
Oh Won Bin
Oh Won Bin ; the second vocal and guitar in FT Island before he quit the band. His voice was moderate, damn love it too. Unfortunately, due to his personal reasons he quit the band. Fortunately, he has release his new single '爱你更爱你' on 11.11.2010. This song was quite nice for me when i heard this song the 1st time.
 Just share some picture here.

 This two pic was the Won Bin still staying in FT Island

 Oh Won Bin 'The First Digital Single Album'



對不起 是我自私

我真的不會勒 不會面對你了 你對我好 我知道 或許是我自私 也或許是你對我來說不是那個最重要的人 2年的時間真的很長 我也想勒2年勒 我不想再想勒 真的很煩 煩到有時我都快承受不住勒 煩到都快哭勒 哭勒 真的受不了勒 對不起 或許我只是想補償 補償你對我的好 對不起 我真的做不到 不是你的錯 是我自私 不要再對我那麼好勒 我要把你徹底從我心裡忘掉 讓我永遠消失在你世界里 你的信息 我會刪除 你的號碼 我也會刪除 腦中與你有關的記憶 我會刪除 你的一切 我不會再保留 對不起 原諒我對你的自私

Current Song : 誰說愛情不能做比較-王明麗&阿飛


Special for my girl ; LPQ ♥

Active Blogger Here. EEN

Lim Pei Qian
She's my dear. She's a nice and good girl. She very 'sampat' and is a talkative girl. But i love her so much. I know her since i was form 1. We know each other through my friend ; seet ying. That time my class is 1F and her class is 1H (i think so if i not forget it yet). Our relationship is quite good when we are in form 1. Sometimes if we meet each other we will chit-chat for a while. But when in form 2 we less talk togather already just because of we are not in the same class and our class are not in the same block. That time my class is 2B6 and her class is 2B8. But the friendship between us is still got just not so good as form 1. 2010 we two are in the same class already and we always chat together. Futhermore we also play together ; laugh together ; eat together ; shopping together ; study together. In this year our relationship become more and more good than in form 1 just because of we two like a twins. We do so many sampat things all together and also made some good and sweet memories for ourself.

The pic above is we take together when we celebrate my birthday with shu ting at auto city. That time was the 1st time we hang out together and take pic together. That was the good and sweet memories for me. Before the holiday start we also hang out together at least 2/3 time. School is gonna reopen soon and the PMR result will be release soon too. Hope that we can study in the same class next year.

Dear sorry for i can't accompany you out for shopping all the time when you call me for out. I miss you too in this long holiday. I also miss the time that we do something very sampat in the last time we go to school. And i also miss the time i bully you in the class. LOL. Dear i miss you and you always.


Holiday Life

The Blogger Here. a.k.a EEN

I have neglect my blog for a long time. Almost 1 month already. I wonder why i so busy in this year holiday? Maybe is me already crazy of my job ; crazy for earning $. But sometimes i still lazy to work. My plan has been destroyed. Genting. Can't go already. What the reson is? Because no more hotel has been full. OMG! No genting anymore in this holiday. So now i want go to beach. I have many movie gonna watch in this month. Someone date me please. This sunday date with my parents. Finally my mum want accompany me for movie. The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ; this sunday movie at pacific.

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

I have been waiting this movie since i saw the trailer in the cinema. 1 & 2 is so amazing and nice for me. I will write more about it in the next post after this sunday. Recently i also busy for downloading korean drama and variety show. I've been completely hooked on. Just now i was watching '玛丽外宿中' through pps. It quite nice. My idol has performed in this drama. I will continue tomorrow night.


男主角 张根锡 ♥

女主角 文根英

My handphone is gonna spoiled if i don't change it soon. I have already have my choice. I damn love it. I working in this holiday just because of this reason. Earning $ by myself and buy a new phone. Got anyone want to sponser me some $?

NOKIA C6-01 ♥

X'mas is coming soon. It also means that PMR result will be release soon. School is gonna reopen soon too. OMG! 2011 is coming soon. Christmas present? I didn't recieve it every year. Got someone want to give me? I want. I want to have my own laptop too. Can my parents buy me a laptop as my PMR result gift? Just write until here. Dunno what i want to say already.